DC Double Bridge QJ57

DC Double Bridge QJ57 is used for testing the DC resistance, the resistivity inside metal conductor, lead resistance, dc shunt resistance, switch, electrical contact resistance of and all kinds of motor, transformer winding resistance and the temperature rise test, etc. Applicable scope: Industrial and mining enterprises, laboratory or workshop site and field work place.

Details About DC Double Bridge QJ57



Technical parameters:

  • Measuring range: 0.01μΩ-1.1111KΩ
  • Accuracy: 0.05%
  • Main parameters of every range
Range rate Effective range(Ω) Accuracy (%)
*103 0-1111.10 0.05
*102 0-111.110
*10 0-11.1110
*1 0-1.11110
*10ˉ1 0-0.111110
*10ˉ2 0-0.0111110 0.2
*10ˉ3 0-0.00111110 2


  • Overall dimension: 300*250*160mm
  • Power: Internal zero indicator power supply, 9V (6F22 type battery)
  • Internal bridge working power supply, 1.5V

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